Easy Seat

Going about my daily life I often stumble across sentences, moments, or sayings that strike my “yoga bone”.  Often, I find myself deliberately looking for yoga in my approach to running a business, teaching a class, or interacting with other people.  

So how about a blog that shares and develops some of these thoughts and maybe starts a conversation. So come into an Easy Seat and let's get started.

I will start with two of my favorite quotes—same message; different packaging around the same thought -What is “Yoga”?

“As the mind, so the person, bondage or liberation are in your own mind.” -Sanskrit saying

For Example:


I am afraid of being a bad writer and this is far from my first attempt at blogging. Previous attempts resulted in rather epic length term paper-like posts. Great reads (maybe) but not typical blog posts.

See for yourself: check out my posts on Hot Yoga, Yoga- Heat and Flexibility The Benefits of Adding Yoga and a Doula to a Birth Vision or my truly epic series on the Kundalini Ten Bodies which unfortunately no longer exists on line. 


I can think about writing, read about writing, listen to other people talk about writing but until I actually sit down and put fingers to keyboard and words on the screen, I will never actually write anything.

Same goes for starting a yoga or meditation practice-think, read or listen about yoga or meditation all you want —but until one actually spends time on a mat or a cushion you will never actually have a practice.


I can either let my mind’s fear of failing bind me up in a knot until I never even start this blog or I can plunge in and start writing. I think it is “funny” how often in life we approach a “practice” with the expectation that we must be a “perfect” from the start. 

The only way to get “better” at writing, yoga, meditation, etc. is to PRACTICE. Which brings me to my second quote:

“Yogas citta vritti nirodhah.” The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Book 1 2nd Sutra)  "The restraints of the modification of the mind-stuff is yoga.”

If the first quote is more along the lines of -identifying the problem- the second quote shows the solution albeit in murky Sanskrit style.

So this is a two-pronged exercise:  

1) Working to overcome the fear-based ramblings about failing in my head and

2) developing pithiness, short developments of thought instead of epic term papers.

An eraser and a filter.  Well, we will see how it goes…